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Campus Table Reservations

Reserve a Table

Colleges, non-profit community groups and recognized student organizations may reserve a table in designated Campus Commons areas for the purpose of sharing information.

Procedure Memorandum IX-7 Solicitation and Demonstration on College Property

Terms for Reserving Tabling Space:

  1. All requests to reserve table space must be made in advance, a minimum of two weeks, using the Table Reservation Request Form. A tabling request does not guarantee a table reservation. If request is approved, requestor will be issued a permit.

  2. The College makes facilities available to responsible groups and organizations using the Priority Use Guidelines established and whenever, in the judgment of the Facilities User Group and/or the Responsible Administrator, such use will not interfere with the academic mission of the College or provide undue risk to students, employees, the community or to College property.

    1. Reservation dates are available during each quarter, starting one week after the quarter begins until the last day of the quarter. Refer to the schedule below for class start and end dates. The requested times must be within campus hours of operation.


      Winter 24/25

      Classes begin: December 2

      Classes end: February 26

      Spring 2025

      Classes begin: March 7

      Classes end: May 22

      Summer 2025

      Classes begin: June 5

      Classes end: August 15

      Fall 2025

      Classes begin: September 2

      Classes end: November 17

  3. Sharing information is permitted, but students must approach the information table on their own.

    • No sales of goods or services

    • No solicitation for goods, services, religious or charitable purposes

    • No sale or give-away food or beverage items are permitted

CoNditions for reserving tabling space

  1. The requesting party agrees to accept all liability for any damage done to College property resulting from the activity. Programs and activities must adhere to all state and federal laws as well as all College policies and regulations, including strict avoidance of excessive noise.

  2. Use of electronic amplification is not allowed.

  3. Table users are required to set up and dismantle accompanying displays.

    • All materials must be taken with the organization; storage for materials is not provided.

    • Materials and displays left on-site at the end of a reservation will be discarded.

  4. The College provides tables and chairs. It is the table user’s responsibility to provide all other table needs.

Tables can be reserved for the following areas:

  • Elkhorn Valley Campus Commons

  • Fort Omaha Campus

    • Building 10, first floor commons
    • Building 22, lobby
    • Building 23, Career and Academic Skills Center
  • South Omaha Campus

    • Connector Building lower commons
    • Connector Building upper common
    • Center for Advanced Manufacturing Building commons
    • Mahoney Building commons
  • Applied Technology Center

  • Fremont Area Center commons

  • Express Center commons

  • Sarpy Center commons

Currently there is no fee for a campus table, but this policy is subject to change.

For COMMONS TABLE RESERVATION assistance, contact:

Wade Standifer at 531-622-2875 or email

Disclaimer: Please note College staff reserves the right to cancel or end tabling reservations early on account of inclement weather, school closures, emergency tests/drills,and any other reasons deemed necessary. This applies to all table reservations.